Jamaican Nationals Association of Washington, DC (JNA) Breast Cancer Awareness Walk
October 26, 2019
SILVER SPRING, MD — The key to bringing awareness to a variety of health issues is to gain knowledge. Every October is the annual Breast Cancer Awareness International Health Campaign month, organized by major cancer charities. This year, during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, JNA conducted a Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign and walk to bring awareness to the people within the Silver Spring, Maryland area. JNA set up tabling space at the Silver Spring Civic Center and handed out breast cancer awareness informational resources. The volunteers, dressed in vibrant shades of pink, took downtown Silver Spring by storm and walked to hand out more awareness materials.
“Early Screening Saves Lives,” said Dr. Elaine Knight, President of JNA. By participating in the Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Month Campaign, we help several cancer research organizations to increase awareness of the disease and raise funds for research, provide helpful information to support those affected by breast cancer, and educate our community on the importance of early cancer detection.
Many volunteers and survivors came out to support JNA at the event. Patricia Williams, a survivor said, “It is important to share information, so our community of women, men and parents have the knowledge they need about breast cancer. The information on how to lower the risks of breast cancer is something that all women can adopt to their lifestyle changes daily.” She said, “I am so happy to be here especially to share in the exchange of encouraging conversations with so many survivors today.”
Kanisha Blake stated, “By volunteering with JNA for the campaign and walk, I gained so much knowledge about breast cancer, the trends in incidents and death rate. It is alarming that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study reports that there are approximately 13% of women in the United States that are developing breast cancer, which can result in 1 in 8 women who will develop breast cancer, and 3.5 million of US women are breast cancer survivors.” Please see information online from various reputable sites. Everyone with online access is encouraged to visit these sites to learn more about the disease and ways that they may be able to help. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/breast- cancer/about/how-common-is-breast-cancer.html; https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/what-we-do/nih-almanac/national- cancer-institute-nci.
Beverly Thomas and Moye Stephenson, Chair and Co-chair of JNA’s Cultural Heritage and Social Activities Committee and Delores McKoy organized the event. During the event, the association received a variety of donated items, which include socks, gloves, lotions, hats, blankets, etc. The committee made comfy chemo care packages, and the items were donated to the Unity Health Care, located in Washington, DC and the Holy Cross Hospital, Silver Spring, MD.
President Knight established the JNA Partnership with the Jamaican Cancer Society (JCS) St. Ann and St. Mary branch in January 2019, “As an organization, we are committed to doing all we can, joining forces with the CDC and organizations fighting against cancer here in the USA and in Jamaica,” she said. The JNA/JCS healthcare advocacy’s major focus is toward cancer education, screening, and treatment, primarily on breast, cervical, and prostate cancer in Jamaica and in the Jamaican community in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area.
The Jamaican Nationals Association, Inc. (JNA), is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization established in 1969. Our Mission: JNA, unites persons of Jamaican heritage and their friends to maintain and promote Jamaican culture and heritage, and provide educational and charitable support to persons of Jamaican heritage in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area, other US-Jamaican communities, and in Jamaica.